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Getting Started with Library Research: START HERE!

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Start Here!

Hello!  This Library Module is set up to mimic an in-person experience with Library Instruction.  The topics and activities will introduce the library services and resources, plus help you practice the research process, using your selected topic.

I am your Librarian, Meredith Tummeti, and my contact information is located in the box to the left, below the navigation menu. At any time, if you need help with concepts or finding sources, please reach out to me or the library.

The plan for this session/module:

  • Get familiar with the Kirk Library website,
    • how to get assistance with your research or anything else library related,
    • library hours,
  • Searching,
    • Gathering background information
    • Understanding keywords and Boolean operators/modifiers,
    • Where to search: 
      • OneSearch
        • Saving what you find and collecting citations,
      • General Databases in A-Z Databases and Resources
        • Academic Search Complete
        • Research Library

This will probably take you a good two hours or so to complete.

At the end of the module, there is a quiz to check your understanding of what we have learned today.

Please go through all pages in the module, read the text, watch the videos, and do the activities. This will set you up for success on the quiz.

Use the Previous and Next buttons at the bottom of the module to navigate between pages, or use the module navigation buttons on the left. If you are viewing this module from Canvas, you may need to use the inner most scroll bars to see all of the content and access the module's Previous and Next buttons.

Profile Photo
Meredith Tummeti
Schedule Appointment
Creative Commons License
The content of these guides, unless otherwise noted, by Kirk Library is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.