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Climate Justice

A guide to resources for exploring climate justice disparities and solutions.

Climate Justice Defined

According to the University of California Center for Climate Justice, "climate justice recognizes the disproportionate impacts of climate change on low-income communities and communities of color around the world, the people and places least responsible for the problem. It seeks solutions that address the root causes of climate change and in doing so, simultaneously address a broad range of social, racial, and environmental injustices."


Similarly, the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) Climate Portal asserts that "climate justice is the principle that the benefits reaped from activities that cause climate change and the burdens of climate change impacts should be distributed fairly. Climate justice means that countries that became wealthy through unrestricted carbon emissions have the greatest responsibility to not only stop warming the planet, but also to help other countries adapt to climate change and develop economically with nonpolluting technologies."

Climate Justice and Human Rights Explained by Amnesty International. Captions are available and a transcript can be located on YouTube.

Environmental Justice Defined

A broader concept closely bound with climate justice is the idea of environmental justice. According to the Energy Justice Network, "Environmental racism is the disproportionate impact of environmental hazards on people of color. Environmental justice is [a] response to environmental racism."

A Brief History of Environmental Justice by ProPublica. The video is closed captioned and a transcript can be located on YouTube.

Additional Resources

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The content of these guides, unless otherwise noted, by Kirk Library is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.