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Intercultural Communications CMST 250 (Seabert)

Finding Government Documents and Data

Did you know that you could search Google in a way that would only produce results from US Government sites (.gov)?

Add after your search terms!

Say you only want government sites for the state of Washington, try Looking for a government site in another country? Find the country code top level domain and search with that (i.e. for government sites in Australia).

Policy and Legislative Bill resources

WA State Legislature Bill Information menu see Washington State proposed and passed bills, associated documentation, and whether they made it to law, or not.

Revised Code of Washington (RCW) and Washington Administrative Code (WAC)

Use the National Legislation Bill Information search tool to see items moving through the US House of Representatives and Senate.

Lewis County Board of Commissioners - the Legal Notices section can be useful to find information, but there could be other options on the left to help you find county policy.

You can seek out the official website of your city in general and look around for the city code or ordinances to see specifics for that city. 

Useful Government Website Quicklist

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The content of these guides, unless otherwise noted, by Kirk Library is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.