Google Scholar is a search engine that can be used to find articles (as well as book citations, conference proceedings, and more) to aid in our research. We still must evaluate all the resources we find in Google Scholar. Despite the name, not everything in Google Scholar is “scholarly”.
Google Scholar can be a great place to go in addition to searching the Kirk Library’s databases. It is also helpful to use when you are searching for a full-text article that you already have a title or citation for. Google Scholar is best used when connected to the Kirk Library, using library links.
Check out the closed captioned video below to learn how to use Library Links.
Setting up Library Links in Google Scholar is licensed CC-BY by Meredith Tummeti. A transcript is available on YouTube.
Watch this tutorial video to see how to best navigate the site.
How to use Google Scholar (Find FREE Journal Articles for University Essays) by Helpful Professor. A transcript is available through YouTube.
For further help navigating Google Scholar, visit the Google Scholar help page. Or Ask a librarian for help through email, chat or in-person.
Based upon What is Google Scholar? FAQ by Katie Hart.