Educational videos and documentaries are another good source of information and are great resources for enhancing presentations. Check these out:
Films on Demand contains more than 6,000 educational videos that can be viewed in their entirety, or in segments. There are more than 1,700 health-related videos. (NOTE: If this link doesn't work, go to the Library homepage and use the link there.)
MedlinePlus: Videos and Cool Tools includes anatomy videos, interactive tutorials, and surgery videos.
ProQuest Nursing and Allied Health Source: Medcom's Video Training Programs cover health care topics important to practitioners.
ProQuest Nursing and Allied Health Source: Advanced Search allows you to do a subject search and select the type of source you want.
You can access tens of thousands of eBooks online! Look for eBooks from:
Ebrary contains more than 25,000 books on a variety of topics, including more than 2,000 on medicine. Chapter-level viewing allows you to focus on the most relevent information you need. All ebrary books can be read on a desktop or laptop computer, or on a tablet such as an iPad.
Use OneSearch to find books and DVDs in our physical collection, plus eBooks, online articles, and more.
Begin with a basic keyword search for nursing, and you'll find hundreds of books. Refine your search, in order to find books that are more specific, by using additional or alternative keywords. For example:
In addition to using the OneSearch, you can browse the shelves in the 610-619 call numbers for nursing and medical books.
If we have any DVDs on your topic, they will appear in the OneSearch result list, after filtering by format.