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Research 101

Google Scholar and Inter-Library Loan (ILL)

You might already be familiar with Google Scholar, Google's Academic search engine. Sometimes, Google Scholar can be frustrating because results don't have the entire article, only the abstract and references, or the articles are behind a paywall and it is asking a hefty price to view the article. Here are a couple tips to make Google Scholar more useful for finding sources for research.

Teach Google Scholar that Centralia College's Kirk Library is your library!

Did you know that you can setup Google Scholar to know the library where you have access to resources?  Watch the following video for step-by-step instructions how to add Library Links, and see what Google Scholar results look like after making the change in the Settings.

Setting Google Scholar Library Links (2021) by Meredith Tummeti is licensed CC BY 4.0. Transcript is available on YouTube. 1:12 minutes

If you can't gain access through Kirk Library, InterLibrary Loan it!

Are you familiar with InterLibrary Loan (ILL), the practice where libraries "borrow" materials from another library for their patrons? Did you know that the Kirk Library has this service for all students, staff and faculty? If you have found an article on Google Scholar and read the abstract, or a book and read the synopsis, and you were thinking it could be a good source for your research, ILL could be the service for you!  Fill out the InterLibrary Loan form and we'll do our best to find the resource for you.  Articles generally take 2-3 business days to be emailed to you, but books can take a few weeks because they travel "Snail Mail" with the U.S. Postal Service. Try it today!

Creative Commons License
The content of these guides, unless otherwise noted, by Kirk Library is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.